Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below we have listed some of the common questions that we get asked by people looking for care. If after reading these you still have some questions, or would simply like to find out more about the services we could offer you, call us today for a chat, or send us an email, and we will try to answer all of your queries.

What is Domiciliary Care?
Also known as home care, or care at home, domiciliary care is a range of services provided in the comfort of an individual’s own home providing support in maintaining independence.

Do I have a say in my Care Package?
Yes! At every opportunity we will involve you in all aspects of your care package, ensuring we meet your unique and specific needs and requirements.

What is the minimum package I can have?
We always carry out a full assessment, without obligation. Our assessment is explained to you with details of the time we think is needed to comfortably deliver the care and support required. We are flexible and can change packages at short notice. Most of our clients start on a minimum of a few hours a day/week.

Will I have the same Care Assistant?
Where possible we aim to provide continuity of care, so we will always look to provide you with a ‘regular’ carer or carers depending on your care package.

What if I am not happy?
Our clients or their families will have met our Care Manager on a number of occasions before care or support is put in place and their full contact details will be available. A rapid response is made to deal with any problems. You will be provided with our detailed complaints procedure within the service user guide in case you have any concerns.

What happens if my needs or requirements change?
Through regular reviews and assessments we can monitor any changes in your needs and requirements. However, if at any point you wish to amend your care package then just let us know and we will do everything we can to assist you.

Are all your staff checked and are references taken?
Yes! All our staff will go through a rigorous selection and recruitment process. New care assistants will only go out on calls when background checks and criminal records checks have been completed.

How much does it cost?
We are proud to offer a cost effective service to suit your budget. You may even qualify for local authority funding or ‘Direct Payments’ which is a govt initiative to allow use of council funding by individuals choosing their own care providers. Social Services can assess your needs, allocate funds to your care provision and allow selecting who looks after you.

Please contact our team for more details.

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